Badlands Photography

I drove for an hour in the wrong direction outside Rapid City, and then nearly ran out of gas during a particularly barren stretch of highway outside the park. I backtracked to get it at Wall Drug, went back to the entrance, and THEN realized that the Wall Drug entrance was where I wanted to be anyway.
While I was scouting, I noticed a guy driving around in a big van that said something like “Lightning Research” on the side, with some big equipment on top. He was hiking around and taking Badlands photos, and I thought, “That’s a weird vehicle to use while you’re visiting a national park.”
When a massive lightning storm rolled in, THAT’S when I put two and two together. So I followed him wherever he went, and sure enough, got treated to some incredible views of the lightning. I've always struggled to get pictures of the Badlands, and this was the first visit where I was somewhat happy with the results.
With all the wind whipping about, I had to get creative using my car and body to block the tripod to keep it steady enough for long exposures. There were strikes every few seconds during the height of the storm, which thankfully was far enough in the distance that I didn't have to worry about getting wet or, you know, electrocuted.
This badlands photography was part of a cross-country road trip to visit 14 national park sites. The aim was to capture the beauty of our public lands at night.
Art Adds "Wow" to Any Space

Custom Framing Options
If you'd like to frame your print with an option not listed above, follow these steps:Step 1: Buy your print or contact me for options and pricingStep 2: I will confirm your choices by emailStep 3: Pay for your frameThat's it!What framing options do you have?I can do a wide variety of mats, framing materials, colors, and finishes. Just ask!Can I return a framed print?I will be able to refund you the cost of the print, but the cost for custom framing is not refundable.What about metal, canvas, acrylic, and wood prints?All these prints come ready to hang with hardware included.
- Use cardboard (try the box it comes in!) or newspaper to make a template to position the print
- Use included hardware or self-threading screws / anchors
- Get help with larger prints
- Eyeball placement without measuring
- Use nails
- Hang larger prints by yourself

The essence of art is gratitude
- Art can inspire you daily
- Art makes your home feel alive
- Art evokes fond memories of places you've visited
- Art can stun the guests in your home
- Art creates a space you are passionate about