Antarctica in Pictures
The best 5 days of my life happened in Antarctica.
O.K., I’m not including the day I got married or the birth of my 3 kids. But after that, it’s the Antarctica landscape. Easy.
mountains with dramatic exposure, rising right out of the sea to tower
thousands of feet above you. Then dump fifty to a hundred feet of snow
over everything. Then add tens of thousands of penguins waddling about.
Finally, drop icebergs the size of city blocks into the water.
getting close. Another huge part of the trip was the boat of over a
hundred people I shared it with. You know that feeling you get when
you’re reunited with your best friend after a long time apart? How you
just pick right up where you left off? It was like that, but with
complete strangers.
"Ice and Shadow" was taken as we sailed through narrow channels near the Antarctic Peninsula. Down one channel, sunshine and blue skies. Down another, fierce winds whipped up the snow and blocked out the sun. We were fortunate enough to experience mild weather for most of our time near the continent. Our guides told us the price for that blessing was a rough Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica and they were right. 2.5 days of constant 20 foot swells.
Bring the harsh landscape of the south pole into your home. With this Antarctica photography, you’ll be able to enjoy this beautiful moment every day.
Art Adds "Wow" to Any Space

Custom Framing Options
If you'd like to frame your print with an option not listed above, follow these steps:
- Use cardboard (try the box it comes in!) or newspaper to make a template to position the print
- Use included hardware or self-threading screws / anchors
- Get help with larger prints
- Eyeball placement without measuring
- Use nails
- Hang larger prints by yourself

The essence of art is gratitude
- Art can inspire you daily
- Art makes your home feel alive
- Art evokes fond memories of places you've visited
- Art can stun the guests in your home
- Art creates a space you are passionate about